One thing that I love about fall is how dramatic make-up always makes a comeback. Whether it be in the form of smoky eyes or dark lips, I'm always one to support a little heavy-handedness. :)
Enter MAC's Style Black line - another limited edition collection in the tradition of MAC releases (in other words, get it before it's gone!). The collection features a selection of black-inspired shades for eyes, nails and even lips. Goth make-up has never been so chic!

It's a perfect option to do an evening smoky eye with - the multi-dimensional aspect spares you from having to buy a palette of different shades and from having to blend to your heart's content. Simply apply any of the Style Black Mineralize eyeshadows and smudge with your black eyeliner for a dramatic effect.
Bonus: The eyeshadows work beautifully when applied both wet and dry. When applied dry, the black hues of the shade tend to stand out more. Add a bit of water (or an eyeliner transforming product) and the intensity of the shimmer really pops.
Here are some pics of how the eyeshadow appears on the lids (haven't done one of these in a while!):
My only regret? not picking up the eyeshadow in Cinderfella! ...and now it's sold out! They don't lie when they call it limited edition!

ARTIST TIP: The trick with doing any kind of dark colour is to make sure your lips are smooth. Dark colours are unforgiving (see pic at left) and cling to any imperfection on the lips. My bottom lip was dry and you can see how the lip colour can really make the dry texture stand out. Make sure to exfoliate the lips and apply lip balm (especially during these colder months). Before applying the dark shade, pat your lips with concealer to act as a base and barrier for the application...a little concealer on the lips will help to prevent the dark shade you've applied from seeping into the tiny lines in and around the lips.
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