You may have been read about this on your Facebook or Twitter feed... :)I'm extremely happy and excited to announce that I'll be contributing as a Style and Beauty Expert on, the online presence for the leading specialty network for women (channel 27 in Toronto, people!).
Have a beauty or style question? Check out my page or the vast archives of previously asked questions on the W site. Even if you have any other questions in the realms of Style and Beauty, Food and Health, Money, Relationships, Shopping or Home and Garden, there's definitely a W expert that can help! I'm in some awesome company with the Style by Jury team on the Beauty and Style Page. Love that show! :)
In all honesty, I'm still in awe of this wonderful opportunity, but hopefully (crossing fingers!) it's just a hint of even bigger and greater things to come! It's been two years since the humble beginnings of this blog (which I started initially as a portfolio of sorts, because I'm hardly computer programming savvy!)....and it's evolved into this information resource for make-up products and beauty tips. Really, I just have too much stuff in my head about make-up to not share (and it's probably abnormal). So this blog is kinda selfish, because I would otherwise have no outlet! I'm sincerely just very thankful for everyone's support and encouragement. It's why I do what I do :)
Remember you can contact me through the wnetwork site or always email me at rhia[at]artistrhi[dot]com to have your beauty and style question answered! For now, back to writing my responses for upcoming questions!
Welcome to Ghost
8 years ago