Leave it to MAC to always be in tune with trends for both make-up...and technology! Via Twitter, you're able to follow MAC Senior Artists and see what they're up to, what MAC products they use, etc. My favourite updates are the ones where they take you behind the scenes, as they work on the latest and greatest fashion shows worldwide. It's an instant sneak peek into the world of trends before they hit online fashion blogs and waaay before they hit print and magazines...for those who just have to know! This past month, MAC's artists were especially busy tweeting about the behind the scenes of the Milan and Paris runways for Spring/Summer 2010 collections.
Now, their tweets have been consolidated in one single site/community where Twitter users can also join in on the conversation. I personally love the twitpics of all the first-hand runway looks and face charts - the creativity is inspiring and the insider access to the behind the scenes gives you a sense of the buzz of being there! Check it out: http://www.macartiststweets.com.
Get your twit on!
artistrhi on twitter
Welcome to Ghost
8 years ago
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