My poor eyelashes (pictured above) have endured more than their share of curler torture, so I'm game for anything that will help condition them and encourage growth! Thanks to the folks at L'oreal, I've been test-running Lash Boosting Serum for the past couple of weeks, applying it twice per day while crossing my fingers each time that'll work! In their study, L'oreal researchers found that after four weeks' use participants noticed:
"lashes appear multiplied with daily application of mascara and twice daily application of serum: underneath mascara and on bare lashes overnight."
Huh?! Obviously lashes would appear multiplied after mascara is on! Call me skeptical, but I do hope to be converted. It would make this serum an amazing deal for the approximate $14.95 it retails for.So far I've been using it as prescribed (once before I apply mascara and then again prior to bedtime), and I do like the look of my mascara applied over top of it. Applying the serum first acts like a hairspray for the lashes, helping to lock my curled lashes in place while adding a bit of thickness....and all without the usual white messiness of a mascara primer! I found this to be immediately noticeable after the first use, so hopefully there's more improvement ahead. Check back in a couple of week's time for after photos of hopefully lusher lashes! :)
Want to join the L'oreal Lash Growth Movement?
L'oreal also generously sent me a few of these babies to give away! Be one of the first six people to send an email to rhia[at]artistrhi[dot]com, and a tube of L'oreal's Lash Boosting Serum can be all yours.
The only prerequisites are you must be:
1). a Canadian resident
2). a fan of artistrhi on Facebook
I'd love to hear your feedback too on the product once you've had a chance to try it! Fingers crossed for all of us! :)
Welcome to Ghost
8 years ago
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