Check out the original post on Toronto Wedding Professionals, your e-source for all things wedding!Your Big Day is quickly approaching and you've got the dress of your dreams, but for a complete polished look, you can't forget about what to do for hair and make-up! Here are some helpful tips when it comes to choosing a make-up artist on your Big Day:
Ask friends for referrals.
Ask friends about their own experiences with the artist. Be sure to ask about reliability and punctuality of the artist and how well the make-up lasted or didn't last.
Look for an artist who goes on-site to where you prefer.
It's simply easier if someone comes to you on the big day so why not spare yourself the time and stress?! You can go to a salon if it's better for you - just be sure to factor in travel time into your schedule and choose a salon that has a convenient location to where you need to get ready.
Have a set price range in mind.
Think about your price range. For bridal make-up, you should expect to pay a similar price to what you would pay for hair on the big day. You can usually negotiate better deals when booking for a large group rather than booking make-up for just one person.
Do your trial early in the day.
This way you can evaluate the make-up later in the day to see how it lasts and feels.
Ask to see examples of work.
A better artist should be able to produce examples of his/her either work, either in hardcopy form or online on a website. This will help you decide if you even want to go for a trial with them in the first place.
Think of what you want your bridal look to be.
Look through fashion and bridal magazines for looks for hair and make-up that you would like on your wedding day. It's always better when you can help to predict outcomes, as sometimes the artist's interpretation of your preferences is not the bridal version of yourself that you had attempted to convey. Don't be afraid to show the make-up artist what you want your ideal look to be with photos. Your trial will go better if you have an idea in mind of what you want, and a good artist will listen to what you want.
See what extras the artist offers.
Does the make-up artist offer eyelashes and sample make-up products for touch-ups? Does the artist offer before and after photos of their work on you? Check with the artist to see if these cost extra or are they already factored into the rates.
Look at the make-up artist's own make-up.
First impressions are everything and if you like how he/she does their own make-up, then you are more likely to prefer their style of application.
Get freebies at a make-up counter.
If you decide to get your bridal make-up done with a make-up counter, be sure to go for a trial with them first. Most major make-up counters offer free products up to a certain amount when you pay for a bridal make-up application, which is perfect when you need to pick up items for touching up. See the individual counter you're interested in to see if it's something they offer.
Get a feel for the artist.
Go with someone you feel comfortable with. A good artist should be trying to build rapport with you to put you at ease. The last thing you need is a clash of personalities on the big day. Don't be afraid to say what you prefer, as a good artist will always be open to criticism and realize that it's your big day!More make-up tips to come!
Rhia Amio, Toronto Make-up Artist
Welcome to Ghost
8 years ago
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