In March of this year, I started volunteering with an amazing organization - Look Good, Feel Better. If you aren't familiar with LGFB, here is a description from the LGFB website:
Look Good Feel Better® is a national non-profit program committed to helping women manage the appearance related effects of cancer and its treatment. By taking control of how they look, using cosmetics and hair alternatives, women with cancer can strengthen the positive attitude that is so important in cancer treatment – and feel better about themselves.
The cornerstone of the program is the free 2-hour workshop where women learn make-up tips and hair alternatives and go home with a complimentary kit of cosmetics and personal care products. Offered in 100 hospital and cancer care facilities, the hands-on, step-by-step workshop is led by industry trained cosmeticians and hair alternatives specialists.
I share what I have learned as a make-up artist when I participate in these sessions - but if anything - I walk away feeling as though I have learned so much more from these women than they will ever learn from me! The strength and spirit in the room is always immense and I am continually amazed by these women.
If you are interested in volunteering, I encourage you to participate and check out the site here.
For more information on workshops, see here.

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